Health Insurance Claim Denier

Be evil and deny them all

Health Insurance Claim Denier is a game where players act as an auditor for a healthcare company. The game starts with a large ”🚫” symbol in front of the player. The core mechanic of the game involves using a mouse to click, and deny claims, which is a core part of the gameplay loop.

The game is designed to be simplistic, but it also features dark satire. The game is designed in a way to show a lack of humanity, and a lack of compassion. Instead, the player will be immersed in endless numbers, and mechanical repetition. The game is designed to be a reflection of the cold and brutal realities that are sometimes present in the healthcare industry, similar to the case of the healthcare CEO who was shot.

The developer has commented that it might be a good idea to add a random forced rebirth mechanic to the game in order to further amplify the satire. The main goal of the game is to reflect the tedious process of denying healthcare claims.

  • Left mouse or right